Use the dot notation(". hr") to retrieve one element from the batstat_t ROW type. 使用点号(“.hr”)来检索batstattROW类型中的一个元素。
Dot pattern is a type of pattern defined by specific spatial relationship among some dots. 点阵图式是一种关于多个点构成的抽象的空间关系。
Dot matrix printers are being phased out and replaced by printers that can produce clean type. 点阵式打印机正被淘汰,并为高清晰度打印机所取代。
It can change adhesive's placement via change spray nozzle, such as dot type, single line, multi-line type, spiral type. 通过喷嘴的更换可实现、点状、条状、多条状、螺旋状等不同类型施胶的应用。
The dot array graphic type VFD has been widely used because of its strong light intensity, wide visual angle and soft light. 点阵式图形VFD亮度高、视角大、光线柔和,已得到了广泛应用。
Dot Type Infrared Combustible Gas Detection Technology 点型红外可燃气体探测技术
By using this module, English display of flow meters can be upgraded into Chinese display; the display module based on character type can be directly replaced to display module based on dot matrix type liquid crystal display. 创建的通用模块成功实现了流量仪表从英文显示到中文显示的升级,将原来基于字符型显示模块直接替换成基于点阵式液晶模块显示。
The dot array graphic type VFD and the technology of the monolithic processor interface and programming 点阵式图形VFD与单片机的硬件接口及编程技术
The results of dot and Southern molecular hybridization were correspondent. These experiments demonstrated that the genome of the HPV-16 type actually existed in the tissues of the cervical carcinoma of uterus. 上述结果说明了在人宫颈癌组织中,存在着HPV-16相关的基因组,Southern杂交表明其以整合形式存在。
Character display on the dot matrix character type LCD can be controlled in combination with a4-bit/ 8-bit microcontroller. Character-difference type; 它与4位/8位微控制器相结合可控制点阵字符型LCD上的字符显示。